Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One Helluva Election Hangover: Thoughts About This Historical Day

The Liberal Armadillo wants to apologize for the lengthy absence. He was just so damn happy and exhausted about the outcomes of November 4th that he had to stop sleeping with his laptop and change the channel to something other than C-SPAN and MSNBC. So he got drunk as shit that night, shed a few tears, slept peaceably, and went on a fuckin well deserved vacation to the beautiful beaches of Mexico with his wife; then spent some time with family, threw Momma Diller a surprise 50th birthday party, and started going back to the gym...hey, what can I say, I was inspired by the message of Change.

But don't you worry, even though the Diller has been on vacation, he has still kept one ear to the political ground, and in the days to come will be rolling out his raw opinions on the new administration. What, did you think the Diller was going to shut his mouth just because we won this mofo. Ha ha, no no, it's time to really get to work bitches. Real change don't mean shit unless we hold feet to the fire...and you can bet your sweet ass the Liberal Armadillo is going to celebrate tonight, but will dust off his bullhorn tomorrow and demand some serious results from the President and Congress. I have a buddy who got denied health insurance today and I aint too happy about it.

Trying not to be too drunk on the optimistic bliss from today's festivities, I think President Obama is the real deal when it comes to leadership and has the opportunity to get some serious shit done. He may not be as far to the "left" as I'd like him to be, but I think to understand politics and be successful in that arena, you cannot be too far to one side or the other; or at least not appear to be.

Listening to his inaugural address today, I was surprised that the lump in my throat and misty eyes turned into sobs of pride and tears of real patriotism. I really didn't think I was going to lose it like that. It will definitely go down in history as on of the best inaugural addresses of all time. And even though it made me cry like a little bitch, as Stephen Colbert would say, "It had Balls". Not only was it a vision for the future of our country, but it was an indictment on the Bush administration's failures and that their day of fascist ideology is over. It was a big fuck you and there's a new sheriff in town to the man who flushed America's reputation as a compassionate, empathetic, moral leader in the world down the shitter...and he was sitting just a few feet away, fucking priceless.

As I watched the Bushes fly away and Cheney roll is sorry ass in a wheelchair (presumably injured from trying to move the man-sized safe...lots of skeletons accumulate in 8 years), I thought of a quote from Sinclair Lewis, "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." For the last eight years we as a country have hopefully learned from the truth of Lewis' words. And for at least the next four, maybe eight years, what will be written in our history books as the Bush Doctrine, can sit on its cross and choke on its flag. Change has definitely come to America, and I think 44 is going to surprise a lot of folks, including the Diller. And for the first time in 8 years I feel I can proudly fly the American flag without it being an empty gesture. Q Lee Greenwood!

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