Thursday, January 22, 2009

Keep Your Promise, Motherfucker!

Even though the Democrats have control of the legislative and executive branches of government, it seems that we may see a political tug-o-war between the two on the issue that was so hotly debated about in the last few weeks of the election...taxes.


This is politics 101 for your ass. If instead of raising taxes on those that make more than $250,000 like Obama said he would, he simply lets the existing cuts expire in 2011 (the little tid-bit that no one seemed to talk about during the election), then no one can claim that he raised taxes 3 years from now when he's trying to get re-elected. Some socialist, eh?!

This is precisely why I butt-fuck the "right" so hard when I hear shit like, "he's a socialist", or, "he's going to spread the wealth around"...or my favorite, "Obama is the most liberal senator." There are so many people who base their opinions about a prospective candidate off of sound bites and the blabber on Fox & Friends, that they fail to think for themselves and find the real truth. So to those who called Obama a socialist: Is this what you meant by that?

If this plays out like the CNN article suggests, I can tell you now that what you are witnessing is Barack Obama falling prey to the "broken system" that he has repeatedly talked about in his speeches. It's the golden rule of whoever has the gold makes the rules; and it's the price you pay to lead in this so called democratic country we live in. This is exactly why I have consistently said since the 2000 election that the number one issue and threat to America and our democracy is campaign finance reform.

Is TLA surprised? Well hell no! But he does hope that the President isn't quick to forget that his road to the White House was made possible by something less conventional than big money politics. It was a movement that happens maybe once or twice a century. A movement that transcends status quo societies and leads to progress.

President Obama, you have an unmeasurable amount of power right now. You have the Power of the people. I suggest you use it, and as the late Molly Ivins said: "You Got to Dance with Them What Brung You", don't forget that!

You may have had me suckling at the teet of "hope" and "change we can believe in", and maybe I still am a little, but the Diller was never disillusioned about what would likely happen once you sat behind that famous prove me wrong, and keep your promise, motherfucker!

...and for the love of all that is good, if you truly want an open and transparent government, probe the Bush administration like a fucking proctologist. Make it clear to future administrations and the rest of the world that no one is above the law. You may take a little heat for it now, but it just might get your face chiseled into the side of that famous mountain in South Dakota.

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