Friday, October 24, 2008

Dyslexics For Obama 08'

This this is no laughing matter. We have to bring the man that did this to poor Ashley (from my hometown College Station) to justice!

Here is a description of the man we are looking for:

Race: Black

Sex: Male

Height: 13' 1"

Weight: 450 lbs

Handy with a knife, possibly a skilled carver. Abnormally large, and strong enough to hold down a 200 lb woman and carefully do his work with the blade. He probably has at least $60 on him because that is what was "stolen" from Ashley...OH MY GOD!...I FOUND HIM...

One last thing...the stupid motherfucker has to be dyslexic! Do you think the "B" stands for Backwards or Bullshit?

UPDATE: To those that busted my balls for stating the obvious, fuck you!

To Ashley Todd: You may be charged with reporting a false crime, but at least you got to talk to both McCain and Palin on the phone. And, I'm certain you earned a spot on Keith Olbermann's Worst Persons tonight. You're parents must be so proud!

To McCain & Palin: I'm just curious. Do you plan on calling Ashley back? It's nice to know that I'm not the only one from College Station making you guys look like asses!

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