Friday, October 10, 2008

A Multiple Choice Question

You made your bed old man, now fucking lay in it! You have to almost feel sorry for the guy. But, then I'm reminded of who stoked the coals of this chaotic fire now burning out of control. John McCain and John McCain alone is responsible for the direction and tone of his campaign. Sure, he has about one thousand people in his ear all day every day, but at the end of that fucking day, it's Senator McCain who calls the shots. John McCain choose to empty the clip uncontrollably in the air, and now he's dodging the falling lead rainin on his pathetic comb-over. So, as painful as it is to watch that old bastard be in such an uncomfortable position, it a town hall setting, that he so repeatedly boasted about, I say, you deserve every bit of backlash that you are receiving, Senator McCain...and I hope it ultimately kills your chances at being president. You simply do not deserve the privilege.

I learned a little something this week. Something that I think I already knew, but just had not completely witnessed first hand yet. Liberal politics may be filled with weak punches, pussyish, if you will, but right-winged politics is just fucking evil. Now don't get me wrong. If you've read just a few paragraphs of my past blog entries, you know that I'm all about some dirty tactics to promote some good policy, but there is a line to be drawn, and it is clear that the right-wing of this country has no line.

Let me tell you who I do feel a little sorry for though. People who do actually know a little bit about politics and for whatever fucked up reason think that voting republican is the right thing to do. I'm not talking about "Joe Sixpack" or Psycho bag lady from the video, no, I'm talking about the poor fools that do pick up a newspaper once in a while and watch something other than Fox News and have made the unfortunate, yet independent decision to support McCain. I feel sorry for the dilemma that you SHOULD now be faced with. Do you:

A) Not vote

B) Vote third party

C) Vote for the decent man who you may not completely agree with, but has run his campaign with integrity


D) Turn a deaf ear, and vote for a man who has sold his soul to right-winged politics that doesn't give a shit about you, your family, or anyone else in this country

It's a very simple, multiple choice question. One where only one of the answers is completely wrong, two get partial credit, and one...well, one gets extra credit.

You know, Jon Stewart and the folks over at the Daily Show said that it is the "stupid vote" that will decide the election, but I think it's the average conservative voter who actually pays attention that will ultimately decide this election. I hope they make their country proud. They have a 75% chance of getting it right.

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