Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm Fuckin Old, But Not As Old As John McCain

The Liberal Armadillo turned 30 today and he's a little drunk and a little depressed about the whole event. He can't sleep and the bar is closed, so here he is at 2 am in a hotel room in Frisco Texas reading stories on CNN about Sarah Palin babbling about Barack Obama havin ties to terrorists, and John McCain retreating to his ranch in Arizona for the weekend. Ahhhh, the silver lining to the dark cloud of aging.

How wonderfully predictable at this point. But, never did I think that we would be at this point in the election. If someone would have told me 9 months ago that in October, the republican's would be taking such an ass woopin that they would have to resort to the fear tactics just to keep their heads above water, and the party leader would be running for cover back to his home state with his tail between his legs like an abused dog that just pissed himself, I'd have said they were fucking delusional.

"Terrorits Ties", "Barack HUSSEIN Obama", "Flag Pins", and "Jeremiah Wright", these are suppose to be the nail in the coffin moves, not the hail mary passes. Right? Here we are, just 4 weeks until the election and Barack Hussein Obama, a black man, is leading the white old dude, John McCain in the polls by as much as 10 points nationally. Several polls that I've seen have him well ahead in key states like Ohio, Florida, North Carilina, Virginia, and Indiana...yes, I said Indiana. Somebody pinch me!

Poor John McCain. That stupid yes man son-of-a-bitch. He allowed that "Maverick" image that he spent his entire career least post Keating 5 scandle, get flushed down the toilet because he allowed a few arrogant political strategists, who were sucking at Karl Roves teet, persuade him into running a 2000 and 2004 campaign. Finally, 4 out of 5 Americans think that George W Bush is a sorry cocksucker, and they tried to sell that same tired horse shit to us. Laughable!

While I sit here in my ice cold hotel room, I feel much better about turning 30 now. Maybe, just maybe, if Barack Obama and the new "Mavericks" of political strategy continue to take the dying republican machine to the woodshed, I can sleep well knowing that maybe a better day is coming for not only me and the American people, but for my unborn children and grandchildren. I wonder if the mistakes he has made even cross McCain's mind. I wonder if he realizes what he has done to not only his campaign, but possibly to his entire party. Yes, getting old sucks, but the future may just look a little brighter. Here's to turning 30 years young, and to the old fart John McCain for fuckin himself in the ass!

Last day for voter registration is Monday, October 6th. Get off your ass if you aren't already registered. Happy Birthday to me!

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