Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Free Advice to Joe Biden

Dear Senator Biden,

I know that your advisors have thoroughly prepped you on the approach to take with your debate against Palin. I'm sure it's a cautious one. They have probably told you that you can't be the bully and you can't shoot from the hip like you have in the past. Well, I say fuck that. Don't cut this bitch any slack whatsoever. The expectations for Palin have sunk so low that as long as she doesn't fall off the god damn stage it will be a success. You can't let her off that easy.

Let's be honest, this slut couldn't pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heal, and you have to highlight that. If you don't, you'll be sorry...and I'll be fucking angry. The voters are not going to feel sorry for her if you hammer the shit out of her stupidity. The ones that matter anyway. In the last few weeks her stock has dropped faster than AIG.

You have to act shocked that someone can be so retarded and be running for the second highest office in the land. Don't hesitate to throw in a joke comparing her ignorance to Bush's...or better yet, worse...which I didn't think was possible. You have a free pass to do that now seems how Bush's approval rating is the lowest in history. Remind everyone that McCain's judgement is unforgivable. This should be a fucking cake walk for you.

Whatever you do, don't turn into a pussy and go easy on her. If you do, it will be fake and you'll be a joke. Don't forget, Obama picked you for a reason. You're the veteran he brought in to help close the deal with some hard punches. So, don't just win the debate, run up the fucking score.

Sincerely Pissed Off At All The Fucktardary,

The Liberal Armadillo

P.S. Post debate analysis on Friday.

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