Monday, September 29, 2008

Palinful To Watch

Sorry for the breif hiatus folks. I temporarily suspended my blog to deal with the economic crisis. Turns out, Grampa McCain beat me to it. I'm so glad he handled that for us. What a fucking joke.

Speaking of jokes, have you heard the one about the Alaskan Governor? No, she opened her mouth. Wow, I didn't know George W Bush had a long lost little sister. Who knew Babbs was fuckin an Eskimo on the side?

Okay, look, let's be serious for a second. This Palin thing has turned into nothing more than a god damn political side show. It's almost not funny anymore. Seriously, have you see this? ...and she answered those questions with fucking notes. That is just Palinful to listen to. Great, first it was Johnny with his senior moments, now it's Sarah with her Trig moments. Yeah, I said it! She's a fucking retard. Is this the best the republican party could do? I can honestly say that if Barack Obama had picked a VP candidate this fucking stupid, I'd be working on Nader's campagin again.

So immediately after Sarah Palin's candidacy was announced, the media blitz was on, and there was a flow of information about her past and who she was. It was hard for even someone like me who always has his ear to the political ground to keep up with all the scandals that were brought to the surface. So I decided to do my own research on the Alaskan Governor. It didn't take me long to find actual video from Palin during her beauty pageant days.

The eskimo village in Wasilla is missing their idiot. Will someone please escort her home! I simply cannot watch anymore.

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