Monday, September 1, 2008

...And Now It Floods

So the picture perfect family of the republican VP nominee turns out to have a 17 year old daughter that is five months pregnant. So what! Believe me, us real liberals don't give a flying fuck. We don't judge or attempt to play politics with shit like this. I suppose that's why we've been losing for so long. However, The Family Research Council seems to think that Bristol Palin's decision to have her baby and marry the father, is the "pro-life choice". Tony Perkins of Family Research Council suggests that, "The fact that people will criticize her for this shows the astounding extent to which the secular critics of the pro-life movement just don't get it." Fuck you Mr Perkins! We are the ones that don't judge. All of a sudden you fucktards come to the rescue of poor Governor Palin's personal issues. Why aren't you critical of them just like you are everyone else? If it was a liberal in this situation, Family Research Council would be up in arms screamin bloody murder. No one worth listening to is going to criticize Governor Palin for this. The fact that you religious fanatics are even bringing it up to give praise is deplorable. You should be ashamed.

It's down right sick the way the Christian conservatives and the McCain campaign are spinning this. Even her own parents insist that her decision to keep her baby and marry the father is important and makes them proud. Well no fuckin shit. Does that really need to be emphasized in this election? Like us liberals who are pro choice are all sad because she didn't choose to have an abortion. Yep, that's what we do, have big abortion parties! Ever play pin the tale on the fetus? Gimmie a fuckin break! These people are so out of touch with reality it's just plain sad.

What is even more infuriating is these same pro-lifers, at least the vast majority of the ones I've talked to, support abstinence only programs but not sex education, think making contraception easily available promotes fornication, and refuse to talk to their kids about sex because it's "dirty". What's funny is that most of those people forget that they sucked a few or played just the tip with several partners before they got married and became judgmental, bible thumpers. Talk about the true metaphorical definition of elitist!

I want to clear something up once and for all for the holier than thou pro lifers. NO ONE IS FOR ABORTION YOU STUPID FUCKS! I want to slap the piss out of those that think being pro choice means that you are pro abortion. I mean seriously folks, it's amazing those people can even wipe their own asses without getting it all over themselves.

No Mr Perkins, it's not the other side that is going to judge and hold this issue against Governor Palin. It's the quiet extremists of your own congregation that are going to look down their noses and turn off the TV coverage of the RNC, and very possibly stay home on election day. Nice try you bunch of freaks. The political establishment of the conservative base may be putting up a media front that this whole baby thing is a rallying cry for Christian values, but sorry to piss on your fire, the levies have broken and it's flooding in St Paul.

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