Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Question for Conservatives and A Few Other Predictions

I have a question for all those who have ever tried to tell me that economic regulations are the evil liberals trying to take your money and socialize government.

So...how's your portfolios, assholes?

Yeah, I thought so.

Lemme me see if I understand this, you guys want to privatize every last fucking thing in this country, right down to the god damn water we drink, but when the shit hits the fan, all of a sudden you believe in shared responsibility. Wow, the nerve of you assholes is absolutely amazing. Clean up you're own shit, I'm stickin my money in a mattress.

In the last several years, I'd say as early as 2000, I've made many parallels in my political rant and debate to today's economy and the one just before the crash of 1929. I warned that deregulation in the name of the "free market" was foolish and dangerous for us all. I placed equal blame on Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II. I was laughed at, even after Enron and World Com. It's not so funny now is it?

So here we are in the middle of the biggest economic downturn since 29' and President Numbnuts says he wants George F Taxpayer to loan him 700 billion dollars for Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson to distribute how he sees fit, no strings attached, no court involvement. Why, so his buddies on Cheney's secret energy task force don't have to hock their private G5 jets? Ha ha, I don't think so Mr President. Go fuck yourself!

A few predictions:

1. The so called bipartisan support for oversight and transparancy of the bailout I'm sure will fade and instead of learning from the painful lessons of this administration's lies. The wool will again be pulled over the eyes of Congress and they will pass a bill before they recess for the November elections. A watered down version of bill will contain little oversight, if any, and almost no transparancy. I will lose more sleep knowing that my unborn children and grandchildren will be paying for the carelessness and greed of our plutocratic government.

2. The economic meltdown isn't even half over. 25 years of deregulation starting with Reagan, banks and insurance companies inflating other markets, and the financial sector of our economy outgrowing manufacturing has finally caught up with us. It's gonna get ugly, and not for those that make the deals in the board room. We may not be standing in bread lines like they were in the 30s, but let's just say the Starbucks on your corner will probably be boarded up soon. Oh yeah, and a lot of folks are going to lose their homes and even more will lose their jobs.

3. Another terrorist attack is coming. Don't kid yourselves. The Bush administration likes to brag that they have kept us safe because we've given into their demands of fear, but let's get real folks. These crazy fuckers carefully carft their moves and can and will attack us again when their good and damn ready. No democrat or republican can stop that. Unfortunately, I fear that the next attack will be sooner rather than later. It's always best to kick your enemy when their down and I'm sure that's what Al Qaeda is thinking. This won't be on a large scale like 9-11. They will bring it to small town America. It won't be pretty and it will be very sad and it will send our country into more chaos than was caused by that terrible September day. I hope I'm wrong, but I feel it's inevitible.

4. On a more positive note. If Obama does pull this election off, which I think he just might, I think it will be because of two states. Iowa and Colorado...population 2 black people, ironically. I know it's super early for these types of predictions, and I reserve the right to change my mind between now and November 4th, but, Iowa and Colorado just may give Obama a 273 to 265 electoral vote victory over McCain. Nice planning by the DNC on a venue for their convention.

Save your pennies folks, it's gonna be a long winter.

More than 200 years ago a smart man warned us of this debacle.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
-Thomas Jefferson 1802

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