Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's Time to Put Down the Pit Bull, Lipstick and All

When my wife and I got our two spoiled ass dogs, we decided to rescue them from the animal shelter. While looking at all the pinned up dogs, I noticed that there was one section of the kennel that was off limits. It housed the agressive dogs that were mostly pit bulls. I asked one of the volunteers what they did with the agressive dogs and she said that they were euthanized. She went on to say that they euthanized all pit bulls because they are a danger to, well, everyone. Just like the pit bulls, the Sarah Palin story is becoming a danger to this presidential campaign. Larry King just tried to describe Sarah Palin as a "phenomenon". I think Larry's suspenders are cutting off the blood flow to his brain. This story is a phenomenon. A story that needs to be euthanized, lipstick and all.

I'm sensing a panic among the Obama surrogates and possibly even the Obama camp. Let's put things into perspective for a second. After both conventions the bumps were pretty much a wash. The McCain/Palin ticket may have netted a point or two and a little more media attention. Beyond that we're exactly where we were pre convention - the same damn place, dead even.

Let's use the sports analogy again. Right now the republicans are on their home turf in that they are playing the personal game. The democrats have a pathetic record at the personal game. Why? Because the republicans throw more and harder political punches, and the democrats are a bunch of cry baby pussies. The Obama campaign has already decided that they will not go too negative and stick to the issues, but amist the Palin panic they are starting to stray from the strategy. You can hear it in the stump speeches. In one day both Obama and Biden have stumbled over their tongues trying to punch back at Palin. Obama with the pig/lipstick reference, and Biden with the special needs reference. Get back on message guys. Stick to the issues. Play some defense for fucksake. The debates are just around the corner. The issues will be back at the forefront soon and then you're playin on your home field again. Leave the heavy hitting to me and the other liberal bloggers. We got this one. Sometimes you have to do what is necessary to a rabid pit bull. Shoot the motherfucker between the eyes. (figuratively, not literally) Let's start with this Pit Bull Palin! Thanks to you know who for the link!

Oh, and to the Obama supporters on my email lists who keep crying when your fellow supporters go negative on the enemy, quit acting like a bunch of bitches and sack up. If you don't start fighting you're going to get what you deserve - a McCain/Palin administration.

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