Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Blue Balls Across America

For the moment, Sarah Palin has lured some of the far right base back to the McCain ticket. While the typical white, well off, religious, nutzoids at the convention convulsed on the floor of the Xcel Center with multiple orgasms over Palin's speech, I think the rest of the electorate is sitting on the couch at home with blue balls. I find it very desperate that the republicans took the media frenzy generated by the unknown and scandalous Sarah Palin to appeal only to their base. She had a perfect opportunity to talk about substantive issues and appeal to the swing and undecided voters. Instead, she took a page out of the 2004 election playbook, tarnished her golden hockey mom image, and aligned the campaign even more with the current administration. Palin has now become a target as big as, "the great state of Alaska" - one that even the democrats can't miss. Welcome to the fight, sweetheart.

Clearly this speech was drafted by spawns of Rove and Bush advisors. It was jammed packed with fear tactics, whining sarcasm, smug jabs, and pandering to the ignorant religious right. McCain has caved once again to the gang rape of Bush's cronies - submitting like a Fish in the big house. He allowed them to influence his VP choice, now they are drafting his speeches, and as a result he has completely lost his "Maverick" image. He is no longer unofficially, but officially, John McBush. If he keeps this up, not only will he lose this election, but he will lose the ability to control his own farts. Luckily for us, John McCain was a much stronger POW than John McBush is a candidate. Maybe Mike Murphy and Peggy Noonan were right about it being "over".

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