Thursday, September 11, 2008

John McCain Thinks You Are Stupid. Are You?

There was a time when I had a few shreds of respect for the so called Maverick, John McCain even though I didn't agree with him most of the time. A lot of that went out the door during this campaign. But, after this ad that he put out this week that he plans on running in all battleground states, they can send that sorry son-of-a-bitch back to The Hanoi Hilton for all I care. I'll pay for his plane ticket.

It's titled, "Education". Well, Mr Maverick, let me educate the folks that you apparently think are stupid. This ad is a flat out bold faced fucking lie! And you know it! With regards to the kindergarteners, this bill was specifically designed to protect kids from sexual predators. It was meant to be age appropriate and educate them on what a good touch and bad touch is. You know, to protect them from the creepy uncle, stranger on the playground, or sick pastor who's been made a monstor by his religion. You motherfuckers made it out like Obama wanted to teach them how to strap on a Jimmy and fuck. What, did you perverse assholes think the daily class schedule was going to be changed to, art and crafts, recess, snack time, and Kamasutra lessons? John McCain, you don't deserve to wear your flag pin! You and your campaign advisors are a bunch of sorry pieces of shit!

Alan Keyes tried to bring this same right-winged fearmongering garbage up when he was running against Obama for a senate seat in 2006. Here is Obama's response to Keyes in an October 2004 debate.

Obama: We have a existing law that mandates sex education in the schools. We want to make sure that it's medically accurate and age-appropriate. Now, I'll give you an example, because I have a six-year-old daughter and a three-year-old daughter, and one of the things my wife and I talked to our daughter about is the possibility of somebody touching them inappropriately, and what that might mean. And that was included specifically in the law, so that kindergarteners are able to exercise some possible protection against abuse, because I have family members as well as friends who suffered abuse at that age. So, that's the kind of stuff that I was talking about in that piece of legislation.

Sounds like a smart father to me. One I'd take comfort in having help educate my children. So what does this mean Mr Maverick? You support sexual predators! An even better question might be, are you a sexual predator? You sure like you're bueaty queens and sexist jokes about rape. Barack Obama, wrong for your family? John McCain, you couldn't even keep your dick in your pants when you were married to your first wife. You don't support any family values, so where the fuck do you get off trying to paint a good man as wrong for American families?

It's not even worth mentioning that this bill never became law, is it John? You called it one of Obama's accomplishments, but in fact, it only made it through committee and never saw the light of the senate floor.

This ad is a sack of rotten asshole lies. You should hang your head in shame for stooping to this level of gutter politics. You are no longer a loyal American in my eyes. And if anyone, anyone at all was even thinking about voting for you, they should reconsider because of this ad alone. I will remind everyone I talk to about what this says about your character. You are a sick, twisted, horrible human being that doesn't deserve to be branded a patriot, maverick, or anything else you decide to label yourself as. If there is a hell sir, you will rot there. Obama 08, I'm out!

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