Sunday, October 19, 2008

Is God Just Fuckin With Me?

I woke up this morning to a surprise that made me burn my tongue on coffee and clintch my chest, but in a good way. My local newspaper, "The Eagle", better known as "The Buzzard", for the first time in its history, endorsed a democrat. A black democrat at that.

Why is this such a god damn miricle? Well, let me give you a little background on the town that I love, but love to hate it's politics. College Station is an awesome place to live. It's got a little something for everyone. It is a college town, so if you're young and single, look no further. But, it's also a great place to raise a family. The schools are excellent, and the people of the community are wonderful. If you're ready to retire, and you have a little money, College Station has some great areas to settle down in. Unfortunately, it's also the home of the George Bush Presidential Library...which was built on top of an old hog farm. When I was a kid we used to hold our noses when we drove by...that is still very amusing to me. Okay, off subject. Although College Station is a great place to live for all age groups, for many years I thought that besides a few family members, I was the only liberal for miles around. Barack Obama's long arm of Hope actually reached all the way to little ol College Station, Texas. The place where a local restaurant on campus sold t-shirts in 2004that displayed an elephant in a Bush shirt butt-fucking a donkey in a Kerry shirt...which doesn't really make sense considering most eveyone here thinks they'll get AIDS if they shake hands with a homosexual.

So I find this crazy news out, pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming, and call my neighbor who supports Obama, and say, "hey, did you hear this shit?" And he say, "I know, Colin Powell's endorsement, awesome, right?" Huh? Looks like I picked the worst Sunday all month to sleep in and miss "Meet The Press".

So I jump online to see what other fun stuff I missed during the Sunday morning talk, and I stumble across MSNBC's Chuck Todd, number guru, fuckin with his 3D map and analyzing the data. McCain has all but conceded the popular vote? Goddammit, my tongue has fucking third degree burns now!

The "L" word is being thrown around quite a bit now, even by conservatives, and with little regard for the fact that there are still more than 2 weeks to go. The McCain camp has all but called Obama a nigger, muslim, gay, terrorist, who preforms abortions, and bites the heads off baby kitties in his spare time. Okay, they haven't actually said that specifically, but they have stoked the fire of hate and many of his supporters are saying that, pretty damn specifically. Despite all that, Obama is pouring money into North and South Dakota, Montana, West Virginia, and now even Georgia and Kentucky. What?

So I switch gears from politics to sports, and watch my Dallas Cowboys get their asses kicked by the St Louis Rams...OH MY GOD!...yesterday Obama had rallys in Kansas City and St Louis where more that 175,000 people showed up. Holy shit, Barack Obama beat the Dallas Cowboys...and their entire roster is voting for him in Nevanda! I've died and gone to heaven.

Later in the afternoon, I turn on CNN and I hear a staggering statistic. In the month of September, a black democrat running for president of the United States raised $150 million and had 632,000 new donors. $150 million in one goddamn month...a month that has only 30 days?

Is this really going to happen...or is God just fuckin with me?

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