Monday, September 29, 2008

Palinful To Watch

Sorry for the breif hiatus folks. I temporarily suspended my blog to deal with the economic crisis. Turns out, Grampa McCain beat me to it. I'm so glad he handled that for us. What a fucking joke.

Speaking of jokes, have you heard the one about the Alaskan Governor? No, she opened her mouth. Wow, I didn't know George W Bush had a long lost little sister. Who knew Babbs was fuckin an Eskimo on the side?

Okay, look, let's be serious for a second. This Palin thing has turned into nothing more than a god damn political side show. It's almost not funny anymore. Seriously, have you see this? ...and she answered those questions with fucking notes. That is just Palinful to listen to. Great, first it was Johnny with his senior moments, now it's Sarah with her Trig moments. Yeah, I said it! She's a fucking retard. Is this the best the republican party could do? I can honestly say that if Barack Obama had picked a VP candidate this fucking stupid, I'd be working on Nader's campagin again.

So immediately after Sarah Palin's candidacy was announced, the media blitz was on, and there was a flow of information about her past and who she was. It was hard for even someone like me who always has his ear to the political ground to keep up with all the scandals that were brought to the surface. So I decided to do my own research on the Alaskan Governor. It didn't take me long to find actual video from Palin during her beauty pageant days.

The eskimo village in Wasilla is missing their idiot. Will someone please escort her home! I simply cannot watch anymore.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Question for Conservatives and A Few Other Predictions

I have a question for all those who have ever tried to tell me that economic regulations are the evil liberals trying to take your money and socialize government.'s your portfolios, assholes?

Yeah, I thought so.

Lemme me see if I understand this, you guys want to privatize every last fucking thing in this country, right down to the god damn water we drink, but when the shit hits the fan, all of a sudden you believe in shared responsibility. Wow, the nerve of you assholes is absolutely amazing. Clean up you're own shit, I'm stickin my money in a mattress.

In the last several years, I'd say as early as 2000, I've made many parallels in my political rant and debate to today's economy and the one just before the crash of 1929. I warned that deregulation in the name of the "free market" was foolish and dangerous for us all. I placed equal blame on Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II. I was laughed at, even after Enron and World Com. It's not so funny now is it?

So here we are in the middle of the biggest economic downturn since 29' and President Numbnuts says he wants George F Taxpayer to loan him 700 billion dollars for Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson to distribute how he sees fit, no strings attached, no court involvement. Why, so his buddies on Cheney's secret energy task force don't have to hock their private G5 jets? Ha ha, I don't think so Mr President. Go fuck yourself!

A few predictions:

1. The so called bipartisan support for oversight and transparancy of the bailout I'm sure will fade and instead of learning from the painful lessons of this administration's lies. The wool will again be pulled over the eyes of Congress and they will pass a bill before they recess for the November elections. A watered down version of bill will contain little oversight, if any, and almost no transparancy. I will lose more sleep knowing that my unborn children and grandchildren will be paying for the carelessness and greed of our plutocratic government.

2. The economic meltdown isn't even half over. 25 years of deregulation starting with Reagan, banks and insurance companies inflating other markets, and the financial sector of our economy outgrowing manufacturing has finally caught up with us. It's gonna get ugly, and not for those that make the deals in the board room. We may not be standing in bread lines like they were in the 30s, but let's just say the Starbucks on your corner will probably be boarded up soon. Oh yeah, and a lot of folks are going to lose their homes and even more will lose their jobs.

3. Another terrorist attack is coming. Don't kid yourselves. The Bush administration likes to brag that they have kept us safe because we've given into their demands of fear, but let's get real folks. These crazy fuckers carefully carft their moves and can and will attack us again when their good and damn ready. No democrat or republican can stop that. Unfortunately, I fear that the next attack will be sooner rather than later. It's always best to kick your enemy when their down and I'm sure that's what Al Qaeda is thinking. This won't be on a large scale like 9-11. They will bring it to small town America. It won't be pretty and it will be very sad and it will send our country into more chaos than was caused by that terrible September day. I hope I'm wrong, but I feel it's inevitible.

4. On a more positive note. If Obama does pull this election off, which I think he just might, I think it will be because of two states. Iowa and Colorado...population 2 black people, ironically. I know it's super early for these types of predictions, and I reserve the right to change my mind between now and November 4th, but, Iowa and Colorado just may give Obama a 273 to 265 electoral vote victory over McCain. Nice planning by the DNC on a venue for their convention.

Save your pennies folks, it's gonna be a long winter.

More than 200 years ago a smart man warned us of this debacle.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
-Thomas Jefferson 1802

Thursday, September 11, 2008

John McCain Thinks You Are Stupid. Are You?

There was a time when I had a few shreds of respect for the so called Maverick, John McCain even though I didn't agree with him most of the time. A lot of that went out the door during this campaign. But, after this ad that he put out this week that he plans on running in all battleground states, they can send that sorry son-of-a-bitch back to The Hanoi Hilton for all I care. I'll pay for his plane ticket.

It's titled, "Education". Well, Mr Maverick, let me educate the folks that you apparently think are stupid. This ad is a flat out bold faced fucking lie! And you know it! With regards to the kindergarteners, this bill was specifically designed to protect kids from sexual predators. It was meant to be age appropriate and educate them on what a good touch and bad touch is. You know, to protect them from the creepy uncle, stranger on the playground, or sick pastor who's been made a monstor by his religion. You motherfuckers made it out like Obama wanted to teach them how to strap on a Jimmy and fuck. What, did you perverse assholes think the daily class schedule was going to be changed to, art and crafts, recess, snack time, and Kamasutra lessons? John McCain, you don't deserve to wear your flag pin! You and your campaign advisors are a bunch of sorry pieces of shit!

Alan Keyes tried to bring this same right-winged fearmongering garbage up when he was running against Obama for a senate seat in 2006. Here is Obama's response to Keyes in an October 2004 debate.

Obama: We have a existing law that mandates sex education in the schools. We want to make sure that it's medically accurate and age-appropriate. Now, I'll give you an example, because I have a six-year-old daughter and a three-year-old daughter, and one of the things my wife and I talked to our daughter about is the possibility of somebody touching them inappropriately, and what that might mean. And that was included specifically in the law, so that kindergarteners are able to exercise some possible protection against abuse, because I have family members as well as friends who suffered abuse at that age. So, that's the kind of stuff that I was talking about in that piece of legislation.

Sounds like a smart father to me. One I'd take comfort in having help educate my children. So what does this mean Mr Maverick? You support sexual predators! An even better question might be, are you a sexual predator? You sure like you're bueaty queens and sexist jokes about rape. Barack Obama, wrong for your family? John McCain, you couldn't even keep your dick in your pants when you were married to your first wife. You don't support any family values, so where the fuck do you get off trying to paint a good man as wrong for American families?

It's not even worth mentioning that this bill never became law, is it John? You called it one of Obama's accomplishments, but in fact, it only made it through committee and never saw the light of the senate floor.

This ad is a sack of rotten asshole lies. You should hang your head in shame for stooping to this level of gutter politics. You are no longer a loyal American in my eyes. And if anyone, anyone at all was even thinking about voting for you, they should reconsider because of this ad alone. I will remind everyone I talk to about what this says about your character. You are a sick, twisted, horrible human being that doesn't deserve to be branded a patriot, maverick, or anything else you decide to label yourself as. If there is a hell sir, you will rot there. Obama 08, I'm out!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's Time to Put Down the Pit Bull, Lipstick and All

When my wife and I got our two spoiled ass dogs, we decided to rescue them from the animal shelter. While looking at all the pinned up dogs, I noticed that there was one section of the kennel that was off limits. It housed the agressive dogs that were mostly pit bulls. I asked one of the volunteers what they did with the agressive dogs and she said that they were euthanized. She went on to say that they euthanized all pit bulls because they are a danger to, well, everyone. Just like the pit bulls, the Sarah Palin story is becoming a danger to this presidential campaign. Larry King just tried to describe Sarah Palin as a "phenomenon". I think Larry's suspenders are cutting off the blood flow to his brain. This story is a phenomenon. A story that needs to be euthanized, lipstick and all.

I'm sensing a panic among the Obama surrogates and possibly even the Obama camp. Let's put things into perspective for a second. After both conventions the bumps were pretty much a wash. The McCain/Palin ticket may have netted a point or two and a little more media attention. Beyond that we're exactly where we were pre convention - the same damn place, dead even.

Let's use the sports analogy again. Right now the republicans are on their home turf in that they are playing the personal game. The democrats have a pathetic record at the personal game. Why? Because the republicans throw more and harder political punches, and the democrats are a bunch of cry baby pussies. The Obama campaign has already decided that they will not go too negative and stick to the issues, but amist the Palin panic they are starting to stray from the strategy. You can hear it in the stump speeches. In one day both Obama and Biden have stumbled over their tongues trying to punch back at Palin. Obama with the pig/lipstick reference, and Biden with the special needs reference. Get back on message guys. Stick to the issues. Play some defense for fucksake. The debates are just around the corner. The issues will be back at the forefront soon and then you're playin on your home field again. Leave the heavy hitting to me and the other liberal bloggers. We got this one. Sometimes you have to do what is necessary to a rabid pit bull. Shoot the motherfucker between the eyes. (figuratively, not literally) Let's start with this Pit Bull Palin! Thanks to you know who for the link!

Oh, and to the Obama supporters on my email lists who keep crying when your fellow supporters go negative on the enemy, quit acting like a bunch of bitches and sack up. If you don't start fighting you're going to get what you deserve - a McCain/Palin administration.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh My God I Need A Red Bull

Last night Sarah Palin gave us all blue balls, but at least we got all hot and bothered. Tonight, an 8 ball couldn't keep us awake through John McCain's speech. I need a Red Bull! Thank God for the protesters! I was almost asleep before that outburst. Speaking of, we should seriously consider recruiting those Code Pink ladies to the CIA. They go undercover like Jack Bauer for a protest.

Holy shit McCain has the pulse of Bob Dole. I know the strategy must have been to tone it down to try and appeal to swing and undecided voters, but shit, that was just pathetic. I definitely wasn't in the mood for Grandpa's lecture. I don't think the rest of the country was either. Boring contridictions and pats on the back about his service. Same ol same ol blah blah blah.

A word about the RNC theme, "Country First".

"You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it." Malcom X

Bye, republicans. Have a safe trip home...oh, and make sure you go to the bathroom before you head to the airport. I hear Larry Craig still hangs out there.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Blue Balls Across America

For the moment, Sarah Palin has lured some of the far right base back to the McCain ticket. While the typical white, well off, religious, nutzoids at the convention convulsed on the floor of the Xcel Center with multiple orgasms over Palin's speech, I think the rest of the electorate is sitting on the couch at home with blue balls. I find it very desperate that the republicans took the media frenzy generated by the unknown and scandalous Sarah Palin to appeal only to their base. She had a perfect opportunity to talk about substantive issues and appeal to the swing and undecided voters. Instead, she took a page out of the 2004 election playbook, tarnished her golden hockey mom image, and aligned the campaign even more with the current administration. Palin has now become a target as big as, "the great state of Alaska" - one that even the democrats can't miss. Welcome to the fight, sweetheart.

Clearly this speech was drafted by spawns of Rove and Bush advisors. It was jammed packed with fear tactics, whining sarcasm, smug jabs, and pandering to the ignorant religious right. McCain has caved once again to the gang rape of Bush's cronies - submitting like a Fish in the big house. He allowed them to influence his VP choice, now they are drafting his speeches, and as a result he has completely lost his "Maverick" image. He is no longer unofficially, but officially, John McBush. If he keeps this up, not only will he lose this election, but he will lose the ability to control his own farts. Luckily for us, John McCain was a much stronger POW than John McBush is a candidate. Maybe Mike Murphy and Peggy Noonan were right about it being "over".

Rudy, Get Some New Material

Is there anyone else who wishes Rudy Giuliani was on the 95th floor of Tower 1 of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001? What a fearmongering cocksucker. Hey Rudy, your catch phrases are all played out buddy. Let's make a list for Rudy so he can make sure his speech editors cross them out from now on.

1. 9-11, 911, September 11th, or any other variation.

2. Islamofascist

3. Jihadist or Jihad

4. Extremist

5. Fundamentalism

6. Terror or Terrorist

7. Osama Bin Laden

8. Did I mention 9-11

9. Troops

10. And last but certainly not least, 9-11

Rudy can take his empty gestures and red, white, and blue fear flag and shove it up his ass...sideways!

Lieberman Is a Giant Douche!

Soooo who was the guy we saw speak last night at the RNC? Oh Yes, Joe Lieberman the giant douche!

...more later on Palin's speech.

Monday, September 1, 2008

...And Now It Floods

So the picture perfect family of the republican VP nominee turns out to have a 17 year old daughter that is five months pregnant. So what! Believe me, us real liberals don't give a flying fuck. We don't judge or attempt to play politics with shit like this. I suppose that's why we've been losing for so long. However, The Family Research Council seems to think that Bristol Palin's decision to have her baby and marry the father, is the "pro-life choice". Tony Perkins of Family Research Council suggests that, "The fact that people will criticize her for this shows the astounding extent to which the secular critics of the pro-life movement just don't get it." Fuck you Mr Perkins! We are the ones that don't judge. All of a sudden you fucktards come to the rescue of poor Governor Palin's personal issues. Why aren't you critical of them just like you are everyone else? If it was a liberal in this situation, Family Research Council would be up in arms screamin bloody murder. No one worth listening to is going to criticize Governor Palin for this. The fact that you religious fanatics are even bringing it up to give praise is deplorable. You should be ashamed.

It's down right sick the way the Christian conservatives and the McCain campaign are spinning this. Even her own parents insist that her decision to keep her baby and marry the father is important and makes them proud. Well no fuckin shit. Does that really need to be emphasized in this election? Like us liberals who are pro choice are all sad because she didn't choose to have an abortion. Yep, that's what we do, have big abortion parties! Ever play pin the tale on the fetus? Gimmie a fuckin break! These people are so out of touch with reality it's just plain sad.

What is even more infuriating is these same pro-lifers, at least the vast majority of the ones I've talked to, support abstinence only programs but not sex education, think making contraception easily available promotes fornication, and refuse to talk to their kids about sex because it's "dirty". What's funny is that most of those people forget that they sucked a few or played just the tip with several partners before they got married and became judgmental, bible thumpers. Talk about the true metaphorical definition of elitist!

I want to clear something up once and for all for the holier than thou pro lifers. NO ONE IS FOR ABORTION YOU STUPID FUCKS! I want to slap the piss out of those that think being pro choice means that you are pro abortion. I mean seriously folks, it's amazing those people can even wipe their own asses without getting it all over themselves.

No Mr Perkins, it's not the other side that is going to judge and hold this issue against Governor Palin. It's the quiet extremists of your own congregation that are going to look down their noses and turn off the TV coverage of the RNC, and very possibly stay home on election day. Nice try you bunch of freaks. The political establishment of the conservative base may be putting up a media front that this whole baby thing is a rallying cry for Christian values, but sorry to piss on your fire, the levies have broken and it's flooding in St Paul.