Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Biden Is the Right Choice and Who Will McCain Pick?

The is no question in my mind that Joe Biden is the right choice as VP nominee. It was solitified as the DNC adjourned tonight following Biden's speech. After listening to one of the other finalist earlier in the night, Evan Bayh, who didn't have a pulse, one would have to wonder how hard of a decision it really was for Obama.

I've been listening to the callers on CSPAN for the last thirty minitues, and I think it is safe to say that most of the Hillary supporters can and will live with Biden as VP. It's hard to back away from a guy with his story and carisma. Those that continue to bitch about Hillary either losing the nomination or not getting choosen as the VP nominee, will soon be nothing more than a sideshow.

If the McCain camp is smart, they will drop the Hillary angle. I don't think it's gonna stick. If they want to keep this thing close, they have to stay on message about Obama not being experienced or qualified. It's all they have right now.

Moving on to a different subject, The New York Times just reported that John McCain has in fact selected his VP nominee. The finalists are former governor Mitt Romney or Michigan, governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, and the dark horse, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson of Texas (her office must love me considering I send her nice little love letters a few times a month, at least). Let's analyze these assholes.

1. Tim Pawlenty - As was Evan Bayh for Obama, Pawlenty, regardless of his qualification, does not go well on a bumpersticker. He is a young unknown governor from a state that even he cannot deliver for McCain. If there was ever any real consideration for this guy as the choice, it's because of his youth. That's about it.

2. Joe Lieberman - I will get drunk and dance in the street naked in mass celebration if McCain picks this guy. This fucking Jew bastard was the first bad decision by Gore in 2000. He's got the pulse of a sloth and he looks like the dad from that old 80s show, Alf ( The NY Times reported that Karl Rove even called Joe to ask him to take his name out of the running for VP. If McCain has a brain, he will keep Liebermann's name in the running, but only for media attention. On the upside, Lieberdick would be able to help McCain in the area of Mid-East affairs, considering he doesn't know the difference between a Sunni and a Sunnite. I'll be prayin for this one, but I'm not holding my breath.

3. Kay Bailey Hutchinson - If McCain wants to keep the try and still go after some of those lingering moron Hillary diehards, this isn't a bad choice. Word is that the two don't get along well, but everyone knows that doesn't mean shit. Kennedy and LBJ didn't like each other either, and George H W Bush openly criticized Reagan in his autobiography, so this isn't a stretch. She has said that she does not want to be VP and it is likely she wants Rick Perry's chair as governor. Hutchinson would be a surprise, but ultimately could be a good move. Of all the assholes in the running, she worries me the most. Besides, she only had two houses. Romney probably owns them all.

4. Mitt Romney - Thinks we should double the size of Guantanamo. I agree. I have a list a mile long that should be put away for this debacle in Iraq. He was the second horse in the republican race, even though Huckabee did have more delegates because he hung around in the race longer after McCain had it won. It's kind of funny to me. I thought Mitt was going to get the nod ultimately for the republicans, but McCain rallied to win. I'm still not sure how the hell that happened. McCain pulled what we call on the left as, a John Kerry. Romney being the John Edwards for the republicans in 08' if selected. Romney should have been the nominee, but as the republicans tore theirselves apart, McCain came out on top. It must have been his time spent as a POW that got him where he is today. I mean, if McCain wasn't a vet and didn't spend several years being torchured in Vietnam, he wouldn't have such a strong foreign policy resume and of course wouldn't be qualified to be president.

Of all the candidated, Magic Underwear Mitt makes the strongest case on the economy. At least to the numbminded voters. Is there really any other choice besides Romney?

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