Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wish In One Hand and Shit In the Other

I heard his name in the news months ago as a VP possibility, but not again until this morning. Chet Edwards, my Congressman, could very well join Obama on the 08' bumpbersticker. From a strategy standpoint, my first thought about Edwards was name association. Edwards as VP? You mean the guy who fucked around on his wife? Something to think about.

However, choosing Chet Edwards as VP nominee could be a genius move. My final two possibilities are Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia and Senator Joe Biden of Delaware. Kaine stays on message of being a Washington outsider and brings a new face to the game, but Biden brings the experience, foreign relations, and tough guy approach. Chet Edwards kind of meets in the middle. He's virtually unknown, even to many in our district. He's relatively young, but he has been around the block a bit. He served in the Texas Senate for 7 years, he has as been serving in the US House since 1990, and even though he is a very moderate dem, this Aggie has a long record of, "Whoop"-In some republican ass. I mean how do you not give a guy some credit for winning and holding a place at the table in a state where liberals are few and far between? Hell, he only lost to Phil Gramm by 115 votes in a primary his first run at Congress. I will admit this though, he is a very conservative democrat. I hold my nose when I pull the lever for this guy. But for Obama, this is about winnin, period.

So, what if the strategy is to choose a VP who is not well known, has some experience but not a fossil either, and is a proven campaigner against republican opposition in conservatively saturated areas, to try and steal the second largest electoral state in the Union? If that is the case, Axelrod and the rest of Obama's advisors have bigger balls than Karl Roves forehead. I've been playing with this interactive electoral map on the Web, and if Obama can somehow steal Texas, he can lose every other close state there will most likely be, including Florida and Ohio. Suck on that Gore and Kerry!

How the fuck could that be possible? I don't fucking know...but, Obama has been a provin-George-wrong-son-of-a-bitch this entire year, so anything is possible. I've seen polls with McCain leading Obama in Texas by as many as 13 points and as litlle as 9. Even if it's in between, it's something that I am sure has crossed the minds of his strategy guys.

Am I thinking of this because I'm a liberal, dreaming a mirage of political victory...maybe? But, as a person who's dream job is a campaign strategist, I would flirt with this idea. It's definitely a dark horse theory. If Chet Edwards is on the ticket, I'll be wishing it leads to the White House...but as my Daddy has told me many times, "Wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up the fastest"...I still think it's Biden...Goddammit, where is my fucking text message?

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