Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hey Rev Wright, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

God Damn your stupidity! Look, Rev, I aint mad at ya. I know that what you said was the fucking truth, and completely taken out of context by the media. You are right, and to hell with Fox News! Unfortunately, you're takin a ol fashioned lynchin for it. And that fucking sucks, man. But, PLEASE, for Christ Sake, for Obama's sake, SHUT THE FUCK UP! The damage is done, let's call it a fucked up day, lick our wounds, and take it to the house. PLEASE!

Your boy is just a hair away from lockin this thing up so he can move on to McBush and company. A win in Indiana and an ass woopin in North Carolina puts this thing away. So why, with just a week or so til these crutial primaries, do you have to show your mug on TV, AGAIN? Have you lost your mind? Are you completely insane?

Okay, look, you seem like a smart guy, but apparently you aren't getting it. Let me give you some advise that will benefit us all. I'm sure your congregation has forked over enough Jesus money for you to take a comfortable retirement - so, take it a little early and run brother! Find yourself a nice quiet little island that serves good frozen drinks, kick back, start writing your book, and enjoy the election results. On November 5th, me and the rest of the folks that are in the know will welcome you back with open arms. We can have a big ol laugh together about how pissed all the rich, white, republicans are that a big scary black man is sittin in the oval office. It will be priceless...but until then, stay the fuck away!

...Oh, and the McBush machine will bring your name up again leading up to the election. You'll be front page news again for a while, but don't let this tempt you to come back and rebutt. Have another Pina Colada and write another chapter.

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