Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Rare Conspiracy Theory

So I don't normally make my own conspiracy theories. I've read plenty in my day, and I form my own opinions, but rarely do I come out with my own. Now maybe people are already talking about this, and maybe they're not, but here is a theory that I think is highly unlikely, but worth throwing out there...besides, it gives me a stiffy to think, that if true, and if it did work, that a Democrat, one who I have said on many occasions has to show some presidential sack to overcome all the bullshit being thrown at him, could make such a kickass political move - a move so slick, that Karl Rove would be envious.

So what if, Obama came to the conclusion that, okay, I got the nomination pretty much locked up; it's time to start planning for November. So he knows he's a fucking Barackstar. He can raise sums of money that would make Joel Osteen jealous...and Joel's peeps aint too excited about Grandpa McBush. He's inspiring, yes, like Reagan. Yes, I said The Gipper, but just to clarify for Fixed News Channel, that doesn't mean I like Reagan. It simply means that I think Obama has the potential to not only win, but win in landslide fashion, and the last prez to do that was Ronald "Mad Cow" Reagan.

So he's got all this going for him, what is the only thing that could stand in his way??? Oh, yes, Reverend Wrong! He knows that this is not over. This shit is going to show it's ugly face again. How do we make it go away? You can't, right? This is McBush's trump card. They're going to make the voters think McBush is running against Reverend Wright, himself. So what if...and this is a big fucking IF...Obama and Wright made an indirect deal for Wright to make things Right by playin the nutzoid card. Good cop, bad cop, so to speak. He barks lound enough so that it seems like Obama has a choice to make. He's already denounced...sorry Billary, rejects his previous comments, but didn't quite separate himself from the guy completely. It gave him a great chance to make a historic speech about race, but didn't quite remove the Rev from the picture. Now, the Rev gets crazy on TV. Acts like a fool in front of the NAACP, and Barack has no choice but to completely denounce, reject, say fuck off to Mr Wright. Poof! Be gone. Well, sort of. At least it stops the bleeding, and maybe, just maybe, if we get all this bullshit out now, he won't have to play too much defense come the fall...and if there is a God, Obama will win some of those bible belt states that would be a dream come true...

...or maybe Reverend Wright is just an egotistical freakshow and Barack is just lucky to get the second chance to completely separate himself from the stupid fucker. Yeah, that's seems more logical...but it's nice to dream once in a while.

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