Sunday, August 24, 2008

Family Values? Kiss My Half Mexican Ass!

Today's Douche Bag award goes to a fellow native Texan, Congressman Kenneth Marchant (R-Coppell). Yesterday, The House debated a bill introduced by Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) on giving federal employees eight weeks of paid leave for parental care of a newborn or adoped child. Unfortunately, they compromised on four weeks (still has to be debated and signed by Fucktard president) thanks to dickheaded republicans like Kenny Marchant. Kenny boy didn't even support the four week compromise might I add.

Here is a fuckstick who boasts about family values on his Web site, but when called on to support a common sense bill that supports real families, he's all hat and no cattle.

His Web site says:

"Marchant has worked diligently to serve the interests of his constituents and look out for families throughout his district and the entire state. For his efforts, Marchant has been recognized by the Family Research Council as a "True Blue Member of Congress" for his unwavering commitment to strong family values."

Way to step up to the plate Kenny! You and The Family Research Council can take your bibles and shove em up your righteous asses. If there is one thing that pisses me off more than anything, it's fuckers who think that supporting family values means that you go to church on Sunday, hate fags, and believe the earth is 6,000 years old. FUCKIN-A, follow that stupid acronym you guys came up with, WWJD. I can tell you this much, Jesus wouldn't have stood up on the floor of Congress and made excuses about, "a hefty price tag", or "we're making a statement that we're out of touch". Out of touch? Well no shit sherlock! The United States is one of the only industrialized countries that doesn't mandate paid leave for everyone. Sweden provides a full year and a bunch of other great benifits that promote good family values. Isn't it obvious that we're not just a little out of touch, but off the fucking reservation? And, this was bill that would just include federal employees. You know, the ones that help run the fucking country. If Jesus is a real being waiting for us after death, I hope he's gotta hellacious bitch slap waiting for Mr Marchant.

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