Sunday, August 24, 2008

Veepstakes...Cliche, I Know

Obama's running mate, who's it gonna be? I don't fuckin know! Don't worry, I'm gonna make a prediction. But first, lets analize the potentials.

1. Hillary Clinton - No way! I've said it from the start, Obama/Clinton is not a "dream ticket". It's potential fucking desaster is what it is. She, and more so her hubby are too much of a liability. It would just be too pathetic for everyone, myself inculded, to see them in the mix again. It's like watching the Patriots go to the Super Bowl again. Besides, we all know that Bill can't keep it in his pants to save his life. The last thing the Dems need is another sex scandle. Hillary Clinton, Attorney General...since John Edwards spooged away that position.

2. Kathleen Sebelius - The quickest way to lose any of the reasonable Hillary supporters that have decided to hold their nose for Obama, or worse, the ones that will decide to, or ones that will even consider it, is to put a woman on the ticket who's first name isn't Hillary and last name isn't Clinton. I saw her Democratic response to this year's State of the Union Address...mediocre, at best. She would not be good on the stump, and from what I have seen, she can't even make what comes off the teleprompter sound good. Weak choice in my opinion, even though she's loved by some of the democratic pundits, and Wes Clark's secret crush.

3. Evan Bayh - Really? I mean, this guy should be a top choice. He's got rockstar status in Indiana, which could turn into a battleground state, but as stupid as it may sound, Obama/Bayh doesn't mesh good on a yard sign. Also, if I'm Obama's political advisor, I'm reminding him that he was a strong supporter of the Iraq war until 2004, and even attended a Rose Garden ceremony that announced the passage of the joint resolution to authorize it. Reportedly Bush and John McCain personally thanked him for co-sponsoring the legislation...oops! Disqualified! Obama doesn't want to find his veep nominee on stage in a debate responding to questions of why he supported the war and bumped uglies with the Hawks. Not good for poll numbers.

4. Tim Kaine - I'll say maybe. I know, you're probably saying, who? Exactly! One strategy for Obama's veep is to pick an unknown. This may be a good way to go. Obama is the breath of fresh air the Democrats have needed for some time. Bringing a new player in the game...for you sports fans, a Tony Romo if you will, may be a good idea. He might be more that a preseason second halfer and really know how to throw touchdowns...or he might also like to fuck stupid celebrities and fumble routine field goals snaps or throw interceptions in the playoffs...THIS BETTER BE YOUR YEAR ROMO OR I'M OFF THE BANDWAGON! Obama and Kaine are both Harvard Law alums and Kaine was one of Barack's first major endorcements. A Kaine announcement as veep could surprise some folks, but ultimately may be a safe yet solid move, even if he doesn't deliver some of the more competitive rust belt states. Either way, I'd think he would also be at the top of Obama's list for Attorney General.

5. Al Gore - This would definitely be a shocker. It would generate a shit storm of media attention that is already expected for the announcement itself. This could be big enough to carry on through the Republican convention next month. My opinion is that this is the "dream ticket" that Clinton supporters are talking about. Wanna make Florida a battleground state? Here ya go. Hey, and maybe Gore could deliver Tennessee this time. How do you run for president and not win your own fucking state? With all that said, the likelyhood of this ticket is about as likely as McCain resurrecting Reagan to be his veep. Besides, my dad picked this sleeper, and I don't want to listen to him talk shit for the next four years. Oh, and by the way, Gore is already scheduled to speak at the convention next week, same night as Obama, so sorry Pops!

6. Joe Biden - Even though I told someone earlier today, that this was not a strong move, after further thought, I take it back and Obama/Biden is my pick. My argument against it was that his age, experience, and foreign relations record would bring merit to the McCain attack that Obama is too young and inexperienced to be president. When I though about it more, I realized that the answer was right under my nose. This attack is McCain's strongest arguement. It has almost been his entire campaign. There are a lot of folks out there, stupid as they may be, that believe that bullshit. Biden doesn't prove a point to people that are on the fence because of that issue, it calms their fears...and are the winners of political contests not usually just the one's that played on the electorate's fears most effectively? Biden can be what LBJ was for Kennedy. The first qualification of a vice president is can that person be sworn in on Air Force One in the event something tragic happens to the president? Biden passes that test to the lamen, and also eases the fears of those that aren't quite sure about Obama's experience. Bush picked Cheney, so there ya go.

Biden is also very blunt and matter-of-fact, and a pretty skilled debater. I was sad to see him drop out of the presidential race because he actually brought a pulse to the debates. This guy can hold his ground against anyone in politics as far as I'm concerned. Since Obama refuses to hit hard, Biden can do it for him so Barack can keep the positive angle going.

So there you have it. Obama/Biden vs McCain/Romney let the games begin...oh, wait, they started like two fucking years ago. Don't worry, football season is here to help me find balance in life.

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