Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hey! Where All the White Women At?

FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! I was fully prepared for Billary to pull out a win in Pennsyltucky, but it sure would have been nice to see a five point win instead of ten. It's all because the white women are still afraid of the big black man. Since Texas and Ohio, Obama continues to cut into Hilldog's bread and butter demographics. All except the white women. Goddammit! What the fuck does this guy have to do to bring you around? Show you his cock? If that allows us to see that this guy actually has a set of balls, I'm all for it. If there is one thing that the Clinton campaign is right about, it's that come time for the general election, hope, change, and nice guy attitude is only going to get you so far. So Barack, get your balls out of the purse and man up to the flavor!

Look, Hillary supporters, I don't normally discourage people for voting for the person that doesn't have much of a chance of winning, I mean I voted for Nader in 2000 for fucksake, but at least I had an excuse. Texas was Bush country anyway so my vote didn't matter. Had I lived in Florida or another swing state, I would have probably voted for Gore; but what the fuck is your excuse? Voting for Clinton now is just helping McBush. Obama is rasing record amounts of money, but it's being wasted on a lingering primary season when it could be used to secure an election that is the Democrats' to lose. STOP IT FUCKERS!

Listen, on paper, these candidates are virtually the same, so get on board with the one that has the Republicans shittin their pants. Rush Limbaugh has gone as far as telling all his listeners to vote for Clinton so that McBush can wipe the floor with her in November.

Listen to me very carefully Democrats - DON'T FUCK THIS UP! more time, DON'T FUCK THIS UP! FUCKIN-A, DON'T FUCK THIS UP! Stop voting for the polarizing person that is a sure loser in November, and start voting for the guy that has the ability to inspire like a rockstar, to raise money (massive amounts of it) in the form of mostly small donations like never seen before. Start voting for the guy that the Republicans are scared of. Start voting for the guy, that if he ever shows his balls, has the potential of winning the White House in landslide fashion. How great would it be to wake up on January 20, 2009 with a brotha in the White House? If that happens, I'm gonna crack open a case of beer, turn on talk radio, and listen to Rush, Hannity, and Bill-O, because for once their whining will be oh so sweet.

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